image of vegetable plant field
Seasonal and Perishable Fruits and Vegetables Foreign Subsidies

Foreign Subsidies

Commerce’s Action Plan to Support American Producers of  Seasonal and Perishable Products

To implement an important element of the Action Plan to Support American Producers of Seasonal and Perishable Fruits and Vegetables, Commerce has established a new formal channel for stakeholders to provide information related to unfair subsidies for foreign producers and exporters of seasonal and perishable products, including those in Mexico.

Email Us

Any party with information on such subsides or other unfair trade practices (e.g. descriptions of subsidies including laws and regulations for the program (if available), government assistance provided, program names or general unfair trade practices maintained) can provide such information by emailing our office at the following email address: ECSEO@TRADE.GOV. Please ensure that the subject line includes a reference to “Seasonal and Perishable Products.”


Over the course of the two days of hearings in August 2020, Administration officials heard live testimony from over 60 witnesses. The witnesses included 11 Members of Congress, elected state officials from Florida and Georgia, leadership from national and state agricultural associations, academics, and dozens of seasonal and perishable farmers from Florida, Georgia, and other states.

Numerous witnesses testified that Mexico’s trade practices uniquely harm Southeastern and other growers of seasonal and perishable fruits and vegetables and that urgent relief is needed. This is just one of the concrete steps Commerce is taking to address threats of increased imports that have injured our American producers of seasonal and perishable fruits and vegetables.

To learn more about this topic, view the 2020 Full Report on Seasonal and Perishable Products in U.S. Commerce.