Civil Nuclear Power Philippines

U.S. Civil Nuclear/SMR Industry Working Group for Southeast Asia

The U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration (ITA), including the Foreign Commercial Service at U.S. Missions in Southeast Asia, and Industry and Analysis (I&A) Office of Energy & Environmental Industries, will launch the U.S. Civil Nuclear/SMR Industry Working Group for Southeast Asia (or CNIWG for Southeast Asia), in furtherance of ITA’s interagency SMR Public-Private Program (SMR PPP), to promote the deployment and export of U.S. small modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced nuclear technology to Southeast Asia under the highest standards of safety, security, and nonproliferation. 

The Working Group is a service provided to eligible U.S. companies and associations by ITA for a fee.  The Working Group will bring U.S. industry and U.S. Government (USG) together through quarterly meetings with the goal of expediting advanced civil nuclear deployment in Southeast Asia, positioning U.S. companies to succeed in those markets, and working with Southeast Asia governments and private sector to expand opportunities for collaboration with the U.S. government and U.S. industry.  The CNIWG will provide working group members with sector knowledge of Southeast Asia markets and networking opportunities with prospective customers, including government officials. 

ITA will form and organize all services and activities of the CNIWG. CS Posts in the region will post a recruitment announcement for the CNIWG annually on Commercial Service websites in the region and each year will select no more than 40 companies and four business or industry associations to join the Working Group. The recruitment and selection process are described more fully below.

Scope of Work
As part of the Working Group, ITA will provide the following services to CNIWG members:  

1.    Organize meetings and targeted briefings with the working group on relevant U.S. and Southeast Asian government activities and policies and provide information on export opportunities for SMRs and advanced civil nuclear technologies to Southeast Asia. The working group meetings will take place four times a year in the United States, in Southeast Asia, or virtually (as necessary).

2.    Hold calls and webinars with the working group for the purpose of exchanging facts or information on projected energy demand in the region.

3.    Engage with the working group and external experts to continuously increase the industry knowledge base and enhance networking opportunities with potential customers.

4.    Provide notice of opportunities for working group members to apply to participate in related U.S. Government programs, activities, and events, such as trade missions, reverse trade missions, industry roundtables, workshops, and other promotional programs, subject to any applicable fees and eligibility criteria for the specific program, activity, or event. 

5.    Support industry-led workstreams established by working group members to further working group meetings and deliverables. 

CNIWG Membership Duration
CNIWG membership for all entities will last for one calendar year period that commences annually on June 1st and ends on May 31st of the following year.  Entities that join the CNIWG during the one-year period, as space becomes available, will be admitted to the working group on a pro-rated fee basis.

Recruitment and Selection
ITA will post an annual recruitment announcement through targeted emails to industry, posting on ITA and U.S. government interagency websites, sharing through industry associations, publishing a Federal Register Notice, and posting on Commercial Service websites.  The annual recruitment notice will be published online no later than May 24th.  Entities must submit a Gold Key Service (GKS) questionnaire (OMB Form No.0625-0143) within 30 days of that announcement to demonstrate interest in participating in the CNIWG.  To be eligible for working group membership, an entity must be: 

1) a U.S. company in the SMR/advanced civil nuclear technology sector seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that has at least 51% U.S. content;

2) a U.S. SMR/advanced reactor company that has technology that is scheduled to be deployed in the late 2020s to mid-2030s;

3) a U.S. company that supports the supply chain of U.S. SMR/advanced civil nuclear technology providers (e.g., component manufactures, fuel fabricators, service providers); or 

4) an industry association whose members are comprised of the eligible entities listed in (1), (2), and/or (3).  U.S. companies in this sector include providers of advanced light water SMRs, high-temperature gas reactors, molten salt reactors, and sodium-cooled fast reactors, as well as U.S. companies that support the supply chain of these providers.

U.S. companies that provide large nuclear power plants (NPPs) or are in the U.S. large NPP supply chain are also eligible for membership.  Applicants must commit for an appropriate representative to attend and participate in WG quarterly meetings at an appropriate level and function in the organization (entities must designate one primary point of contact and one alternate). 

Those entities that meet the above criteria will be accepted into the working group on a rolling first-come, first-serve basis up to the maximum number of participants which is 40, including both company and industry associations.  Order of application will be assessed based on time of receipt of the complete email application. Each year ITA will select no more than 40 companies and four business or industry associations to participate in the working group.

ITA will inform selected entities as soon as possible after confirming receipt of their applications.  Once working membership has reached capacity, eligible applicants will be placed on a waiting list and accepted for membership if a selected entity fails to pay its membership fee by the annual payment deadline of June 28 or otherwise leaves the U.S. Civil Nuclear/SMR Industry Working Group for Southeast Asia during the one-year period. 

Service Fee
Working group fees are incurred annually and are fixed at $550 for small companies and association representatives, $800 for medium companies, and $900 for large companies.  For 2024, selected entities are requested to pay the service fee within a week of their membership acceptance (no later than June 28). 

Entities wishing to cancel their membership will be refunded the annual fee on a pro-rated basis minus any direct costs spent on behalf of that entity. 


Service Contacts 

Emily Church, Senior Civil Nuclear Trade Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. 
Phone: +1 (771) 215-7146

Thess Sula, Commercial Specialist at the U.S. Embassy Manila, Philippines 
Phone: +632-5301-4146

Quality Assurance:
As a valued client, your satisfaction is of the utmost importance, and we strive to meet your expectations and address your concerns.  Members will each have an entry in Salesforce, and account managers at DOC’s U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEACs) will be notified for needed follow up.