Travel and Tourism

NTTO Releases International Travel Statistics for 2023

December 2023 Air Passenger Travel


  • International Visitor Arrivals of 66.5 million Increased 31% from 2022.
  • Overseas Visitation to Four States/Territories Exceeded Visitation in 2019.


International Visitor Arrivals to the United States in 2023

Total international visitor arrivals1 of  66.5 million in 2023 increased 15.7 million (+31%) from 50.8 million in 2022 to a level 84% of the 79.4 million arrivals in 2019.

Annual international arrivals from 2000 to 2023 covering all countries and world regions are available on NTTO’s ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals program page or can be downloaded here.

NTTO’s latest forecast expects international visitor arrivals to surpass pre-pandemic 2019 levels in 2025 with 85.2 million.


Major Characteristics of Overseas Visitors to the United States from the Survey of International Air Travelers (SIAT)

New York was the most-visited state by overseas travelers in 2023, up from #2 in 2022, followed by Florida and California.

New York City was the most-visited city by overseas travelers in 2023, followed by Miami and Los Angeles.

2023 overseas visitation to the following U.S. states/territories surpassed visitation in 2019: Puerto Rico (+85%), Tennessee (+15%), Texas (+7%) and Georgia (+5%).

These and other characteristics of international visitors to the United States can be analyzed in reports on the SIAT Results Inbound page or can be viewed in the SIAT Inbound Survey Monitor data visualization tool.


U.S. Citizen Departures from the United States in 2023

Total U.S. citizen departures2 of  98.5 million in 2023 increased 17.6 million (+22%) from 80.8 million in 2022 to a level 99% of the 99.7 million arrivals in 2019.

Annual international arrivals from 2000 to 2023 covering all countries and world regions are available on NTTO’s APIS/I-92 Visitor Departures Program page or can be directly downloaded here.


Travel Trade Statistics

Spending by international visitors to the United States (travel exports) totaled $213.1 billion in 2023, an increase of $47.6 billion (+29%) from $165.5 billion in 2022 to a level 89% of travel exports in 2019. Travel exports accounted for 7.0% of total U.S. exports of goods and services in 2023, up from 5.5% in 2022. Travel exports supported 1.6 million U.S. jobs in 20233.

Spending by U.S. residents abroad (travel imports) totaled $215.4 billion in 2023, an increase of $53.5 billion (+33%) from $161.9 billion in 2022 to a level 17% above travel imports in 2019.

Travel yielded a $2.3 billion trade deficit in 2023.


NTTO Releases New Data Visualization Tool

NTTO is releasing a Country Profile Monitor, which includes annual visitation, traveler characteristics and economic impact of travel to the United States for 71 countries.

Click here to see this new tool!


1 ADIS/I-94 (with stays of 1-night or more in the United States and visiting under certain visa types)

2 APIS/ “I-92” (arrivals + departures)

3 Direct and indirect jobs