Machinery and Tools Wisconsin

It's On Wisconsin for Coating Technologies

A piece of equipment from Coating Tech Slot Dies

Coating Tech Slot Dies (CTSD) designs, engineers, and manufactures precision slot dies and coating equipment at their Eau Claire, Wisconsin, headquarters. CTSD was looking to develop a strategy to enter new markets and find distributors. Working closely with their local U.S. Commercial Service Trade Specialist, Koreen Grube (based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin), they received a Matrix + 3 Country Reports showing the trends in the slot dies market from the Rural Export Center in Fargo, North Dakota. 

CTSD started with a customized Matrix, a tool to rank all the countries of the world, culminating in in-depth research on their top 3 chosen countries.  Funded with a grant through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, RAISE Research included: 1) feedback from the in-country U.S. Commercial Service offices in 3 top markets from the Matrix, 2) identification of potential buyers/partners/distributors, 3) a comparative landed cost analysis incorporating shipping costs and import tariff and tax rates, 4) an overview of the slot die market and trends in each country, 5) a list of relevant trade shows, and 6) recommendations for the best next steps and potential action items.

“The final report is useful in identifying target clients, and working with the RAISE Research team has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Mark Miller, CEO, and Co-Founder. “Even without the grant, the value of the data collected and presented was well worth the small cost of the study.”

The Rural Export Center continues to partner with the CS Wisconsin office to provide comprehensive market research for rural companies.

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