Sporting Goods Idaho

Cracking the Export Code with Market Intelligence

hand placing decal on bike

Karmik Outdoors, produces scannable decals, patches, and tags that help owners track down lost outdoor gear. Based in Boise, Idaho, Karmik received a Matrix + 3 Country Reports from the Rural Export Center in Fargo, North Dakota. The reports contained a customized Matrix, which is a tool used to rank all the countries of the world with the businesses’ chosen data indicators. 

Karmik’s data points included indicators such as spending by households on sports and camping equipment per country, the total market size of water-sport equipment, USD, 2016-2026, and world Imports of fishing rods and parts and accessories thereof. Karmik Outdoors will also receive 3 Country Reports, including approximately 10 potential partners per country. The Country Reports also include1) feedback from in-country CS offices in 6 top markets from the Matrix, 3) a comparative landed cost analysis incorporating shipping costs and import tariff and tax rates, 4) an overview of the Outdoor Sporting Goods market in each country, 5) a list of relevant trade shows, and 6) recommendations for the best next steps and potential action items). 

“I loved the customization ability,” said Robert Gillingham, owner of Karmik Outdoors. “This is my company’s report with what we feel are important aspects of our business. It is an incredibly powerful tool, and the ability to segregate data to make important decisions is really helpful. It was a lot of fun looking at the data and playing with the numbers. The team has been amazing to work with. They are such a wealth of information and resources. I appreciate any and all help we have received and will receive.”

The Rural Export Center continues to partner with the U.S. Commercial Service in Idaho and the Idaho Department of Commerce to provide comprehensive market research for rural companies. Karmik’s project received support from a Small Business Administration (SBA) STEP Grant through the Idaho Department of Commerce. 

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