Travel and Tourism

August 2023 Total International Travel Volume

—In August 2023, International Visitor Arrivals to the United States Totaled 6,990,896, an Increase of 23.5% Compared to August 2022
—U.S. Citizen Outbound Travel Departures from the United States Totaled 8,871,121 in August 2023, an Increase of 17.2% Compared to August 2022

Data recently released by the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) show that in August 2023:

International Arrivals to the United States

  • Total non-U.S. resident international visitor volume to the United States of 6,990,896, increased 23.5% compared to August 2022 and reached 86% of the pre-COVID total visitor volume reported for August 2019, up from the prior month’s 84%.
  • Overseas visitor volume to the United States of 3,340,574 increased +27.2% from August 2022.
  • August 2023 was the twenty-ninth consecutive month that total non-U.S. resident international arrivals to the United States increased year-over-year (YOY).
  • Of the top 20 tourist generating countries to the United States, none reported a decrease in visitor volume from August 2022.
  • The largest number of international visitor arrivals was from Canada (2,201,077), Mexico (1,449,245), the United Kingdom (395,944), India (220,570), and Germany (199,662). Combined, these top 5 source markets accounted for 64% of total international arrivals.

International Departures from the United States

  • Total U.S. citizen international visitor departures from the United States of 8,871,121 increased 17.2% compared to August 2022 and were 94% of total departures in pre-pandemic August 2019.
  • August 2023 was the twenty-ninth consecutive month that total U.S. citizen international visitor departures from the United States increased on a YOY basis.
  • August 2023 year-to-date (YTD) total U.S. citizen international visitor departures from the United States totaled 66,142,261, a YOY increase of 26.8%. The YTD market share for North America (Mexico & Canada) was 49.7% and overseas was 50.3%.
  • Mexico recorded the largest outbound visitor volume of 2,896,502 (32.7% of total departures for August and 36.3% YTD). Canada recorded a YOY increase of 32.5%.
  • Combined YTD, Mexico (24,018,133) and the Caribbean (7,607,414) accounted for 47.8% of total U.S. citizen international visitor departures, down 0.8% percentage points from July 2023.
  • Europe was the second largest market for outbound U.S. visitors with 1,944,558 departures. This accounted for 21.9% of all departures in August and 20.6% YTD. Outbound visitation to Europe in August 2023 increased 19.1% compared to August 2022.

Want to view interactive data visualization of these statistics? Please visit our ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals Monitor (Country of Residence and Country of Citizenship) and our I-92/APIS International Air Passenger Monitor for a more comprehensive and customizable experience!

Dive into the I-94 Visitor Arrivals Program

Explore the I-92 U.S. International Air Passenger Monitor

The ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals Program, in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), provides a count of visitor arrivals (Overseas + Canada + Mexico) to the United States (with stays of 1-night or more and visiting under certain visa types) and is used to calculate U.S. travel and tourism exports. Visit the ADIS/I-94 Visitor Arrivals Program home page for more information on U.S. visitor arrivals.

The APIS/I-92 Program provides information on non-stop international air traffic between the United States and other countries. The data has been collected from the Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection’s Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) since July 2010. The APIS based “I-92” system provides air traffic data on the following parameters: number of passengers, by country, airport, scheduled or chartered, U.S. Flag, foreign flag, citizens and non-citizens. Visit the APIS/I-92 Data Program home page for more information on airline travel to and from the United States.