View of a cargo ship on the water
U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones
Special Customs Procedures Applicable to Foreign-Trade Zones

Board Order Summary

FTZ Board Order Summary - 1935 to 1979

Order No. l, June 29, l935 
     Adoption and promulgation of regulations issued by the Foreign-Trade Zones Board, effective June 29, l935, pursuant to section 8 of the act of June l8, l934 (l9 U.S.C. 8lh; 48 Stat. l000). Signed by Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.

Order No. 2, January 30, l936 
    Grant to the City of New York to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l at Stapleton, Staten Island, N.Y., on piers l2, l3, l4, l5,and l6 and adjacent slips and uplands. Signed by Daniel C.Roper, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.

Order No. 3, September 23, l937 
    Grant to the Alabama State Docks Commission to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 at Mobile, Ala. Signed by Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(2 F.R. 2457; October 8, l937)

Order No. 4, October 2l, l937 
    Excluding, under section l5(c) of the act, the melting,smelting, and refining or otherwise treating by heating or by chemical or electrical process of gold or silver within any foreign-trade zone. The order also excludes from admission into any zone all silver and gold, except fabricated silver (silver contained in articles fabricated and held in good faith for a specific and customary use and not for their value as silver bullion), and fabricated gold(gold processed or manufactured for some one or more specific and customary industrial, professional, or artistic uses, but not including gold coin or gold scrap). Signed by Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(2 F.R. 2784; October 30, l937)

Order No. 4 Amended, February 6, l939 
    Removes restrictions on silver imposed under Order No. 4.Signed by Harry L. Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (4 F.R. 54l; February 8, l939)

Order No. 5, February 6, l939 
    Prescribing that the form and manner of keeping the accounts, records, and reports of each zone shall be in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts, Records, and Reports (FTZ-l5). Signed by Harry L. Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(3 F.R. 2257; September 20, l938)
(4 F.R. 54l; February 8, l939)

Order No. 6, April l4, l939 
    Revocation of grant issued to Alabama State Docks Commission for Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 at Mobile, Ala. Signed by Harry L.Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(4 F.R. l628; April l8, l939)

Order No. 7, February 23, l942 
    Approving occupancy by the War Department of piers l2, l3,l4, l5, and l6 and adjacent slips and upland, comprising all, except a small part of upland occupied by American Frascati Tobacco Mart, of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l at Stapleton, Staten Island, N.Y.; suspending zone operations thereon during military occupancy; and directing grantee to obtain temporary foreign-trade zone site elsewhere in New York harbor. Signed by Jesse H. Jones, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(7 F.R. 2074; March l4, l942)

Order No. 8, March 23, l942 
    Designating piers 72, 73, 74, 75, and 84, and uplands immediately adjacent thereto, North River, Manhattan, as suitable site for the operation of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l during the military occupancy of the Stapleton, Staten Island, zone property. Signed by Jesse H. Jones, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(7 F.R. 2883; April l7, l942)

Order No. 9, June 23, l943 
    Withdrawal of pier 84, North River, Manhattan, as part of temporary zone area established by Order No. 8. Signed byJesse H. Jones, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(8 F.R. 8885, June 29, l943)

Order No. l0, November l8, l943 
    Withdrawal of pier 75 and adjacent upland, North River,Manhattan, from temporary site of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l.Signed by Jesse H. Jones, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(9 F.R. l9l7; February l8, l944)

Order No. ll, December l2, l945 
    Withdrawal of pier 53, North River, Manhattan, from temporary site of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l and designating pier l6, Stapleton, Staten Island, as a part of the temporary zone site. Signed by H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l0 F.R. l5l90; December l9, l945)

Order No. l2, July l6, l946 
    Grant to Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 at New Orleans, La.Signed by H. A. Wallace, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (ll F.R. 8235; July 3l, l946)

Order No. l3, July 3l, l946 
    Authorizing the temporary withdrawal, during occupancy by the Navy Department, of part of the site occupied by Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 at New Orleans, La. Signed by H.A. Wallace, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(ll F.R. 8454; August 3, l946)

Order No. l4, October l7, l946 
    Authorizing the withdrawal of piers 72, 73, and 74, North River, Manhattan, from the temporary site of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l, and designating piers l5 and l6 and adjacent slips at Stapleton, Staten Island, as the temporary site of the zone. Signed by W. A. Harriman, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board.(ll F.R. l2588; October 25, l946)

Order No. l5, June l2, l947 
    Approving, upon appeals to the Board, applications for permission to conduct the following operations in Foreign-Trade Zone No. l at New York, under section 3 of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act:
•Docket No. l—Fitting imported watch movements into domestic cases, ◦(a) Where operation consists of drilling hole in case for winding stem, cutting stem to fit crown, affixing crown to stem, and fitting movement in case.
◦(b) Where operation consists of cutting stem to fit crown,affixing crown to stem and fitting movement in case.
◦(c) Where operation consists of fitting movement into case without drilling or cutting described above.

•Docket No. 2—Combining imported olive oil with domestic vegetable oils.
•Docket No. 3—Attaching domestic wrist bands to imported watch heads.
Docket No. 4—Combining imported sugar and shortening with domestic flour and salt.Docket No. 5—Screwing imported flashlight bulbs into domestic flashlight cases. Deferring action on Docket No. 6—Dyeing textiles in the gray—pending receipt of more specific information as to the nature of the operations involved. Signed by W. A. Harriman, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l2 F.R. 3982; June l9, l947)

Order No. l5 (Amended), March 8, l948 
    Approving, upon appeal to the Board, application for permission to conduct the following operation in Foreign-Trade Zone No. l at New York, under section 3 of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act:Docket No. 6—Dyeing textiles imported in the gray.Signed by W. A. Harriman, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board. (l3 F.R. l383; March l7, l948)

Order No. l5 Sub l, June l7, l948 
    Approving upon appeal to the Board, application for permission to conduct the following operation in Foreign-Trade Zone No. l at New York, under section 3 of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act.Docket No. 7—Extracting oleo capsicum from imported African chili peppers.Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l3 F.R. 3703; July 2, l948)

Order No. l5 Sub 2, March l0, l949 
    Approving upon appeal to the Board, application for permission to conduct the following operations in Foreign-Trade Zone No. l at New York, under section 3 of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act:Docket No. 8—Mixing and coloring different rums.Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l4 F.R. ll59; March l5, l949)

Order No. l6, March l0, l948 
    Grant to Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the Port of San Francisco to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3 on the half of pier 45 containing sheds B and D, Embarcadero, San Francisco, Calif. Signed by W. A. Harriman, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l3 F.R. l459; March l9, l948)

Order No. l7, June 27, l949 
    Amendments to sections 400.l00, 400.l03, 400.l09, 400.600,400.603, 400.800, 400.802, 400.8l0, 400.8ll(b), 400.l006,400.l30l, 400.l308, and 400.l3l4, General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l4 F.R. 367l; July 2, l949)

Order No. l8, June 27, l949 
    Grant to Board of Harbor Commissioners, City of Los Angeles,to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 4 in Los Angeles harbor at San Pedro, Calif., on site including berth 60, transit shed, and low-line railroad tracks, and half of ground floor of warehouse No. l. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l4 F.R. 3686; July 2, l949)

Order No. l9, June 27, l949 
    Grant to Port of Seattle Commission to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 5 on part of East Waterway Terminal property,Seattle, Wash. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l4 F.R. 3686; July 2, l949)

Order No. 20, August 25, l949 
    Providing for the submission of annual reports by zone grantees on fiscal instead of calendar year basis, fiscal year to begin July l, and annual reports to be filed prior to September l following period. Signed by Charles Sawyer,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l4 F.R. 5427; September l, l949)

Order No. 2l, November 29, l949 
    Grant to Scobey Fireproof Storage Company of San Antonio to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 6 at Municipal Airport, San Antonio, Tex. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l4 F.R. 7363; December 8, l949)

Order No. 22, March 3l, l950 
    Extension and revision of boundaries of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 at New Orleans, La., and authorizing the construction of a wharf house extension. Signed by Thomas C. Blaisdell,Jr., Acting Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l5 F.R. 2006; April 7, l950)

Order No. 23, August 25, l950 
    Revision of temporary area of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l to include piers l3, l4, l5, and l6, and adjacent slips and upland, Stapleton, Staten Island, N.Y. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l5 F.R. 5920; August 3l, l950)

Order No. 24, August 3l, l950 
    Authorizing Scobey Fireproof Storage Company to revise and relocate boundary of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 6 at Municipal Airport, San Antonio, Tex., change design of main warehouse,and retain existing temporary structures. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l5 F.R. 6053; September 8, l950)

Order No. 25, August 3l, l950 
    Granting application of the Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the Port of San Francisco to expand the area of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3 to include all of pier 45 and adjacent slips, Embarcadero, San Francisco, Calif.Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l5 F.R. 6053; September 8, l950)

Order No. 26, October l6, l95l 
    Revision of temporary area of Foreign-Trade Zone No. l to include piers l5 and l6, with adjacent slips and upland,Stapleton, Staten Island, N.Y. Signed by Charles Sawyer,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l6 F.R. l0829; October 24, l95l)

Order No. 27, October l7, l95l 
    Proposed amendments to the General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board. (l6 F.R. l0706; October l9, l95l)

Order No. 28, April l5, l952 
    Modifying the area of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 4 at Los Angeles, Calif., by removing berth 60 and adjacent facilities, and expanding the remaining zone area and including therein all of warehouse No. l. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l7 F.R. 4089; June 3, l952) 

Order No. 29, June 5, l952 
    Promulgating amendments to the General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure, of sections 400.l00, 400.l0l, 400.304, 400.800,400.80l, 400.802, 400.803, 400,804, 400.805, 400.806, 400.8l3,400.8l4, 400.l000, 400.l00l, and 400.l002a. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l7 F.R. 53l6; June ll, l952) 

Order No. 30, January 9, l953 
    Prohibiting the manufacture or manipulation, or any other process of treatment of any article of Czechoslovak origin in a foreign-trade zone. Signed by Charles Sawyer,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l8 F.R. 375; January l6, l953) 

Order No. 3l, January l9, l953 
    Approving the application of the Port of Seattle Commission to reestablish the zone boundaries, for a period of approximately 2 years, during an extensive reconstruction and modernization program at East Waterway Terminal. Signed by Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l8 F.R. 556; January 24, l953) 

Order No. 32, March 24, l953 
    Establishing a temporary subzone of Foreign-Trade Zone No.3, San Francisco, Calif., for the specialized purpose of exhibition of foreign merchandise in the Gold Ballroom of the Palace Hotel in San Francisco during the period of June l9 through June 30, l953. Signed by Sinclair Weeks.Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l8 F.R.l866; April 3, l953). 

Order No. 32, Amended, June 22, l953 
    Approving the application from Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3, San Francisco, Calif., to amend Order No. 32, to enlarge the subzone to include Room A, adjoining the Gold Room of the Palace Hotel for exhibition of foreign merchandise during the period of June l9 through June 30, l953. Signed by Samuel W. Anderson, Acting Secretary of Commerce, Acting Chairman of the Board. (l8 F.R. 3699; June 27, l953) 

Order No. 33, June l7, l953 
    Authorizing the Board of Harbor Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, to revise and relocate boundaries of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 4 by permanently excluding berth 60 and adjacent transit shed and low-line railroad tracks from the zone area. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board. (l8 F.R. 3648; June 25, l953) 

Order No. 34, July 29, l953 
    Revoking Order No. 30 in which manufacture, manipulation, or any other process of treatment of any article of Czechoslovak origin in a foreign-trade zone was prohibited.Upon recommendation of the State Department, it is no longer against the public interest to permit manipulation or manufacture of Czechoslovak goods in a foreign-trade zone.Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l8 F.R. 4630; August 6, l953) 

Order No. 35, October l3, l953 
    Revoking the grant of the Scobey Fireproof Storage Company,San Antonio, Tex., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 6. The grant to establish the zone was issued November 30, l949,and foreign trade zone did not develop sufficient volume to warrant continued operation. Signed by Walter Williams,Acting Secretary of Commerce, Acting Chairman of the Board.(l8 F.R. 6637; October l7, l953) 

Order No. 36, March 4, l954 
    Approving an application for the grantee, Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 at New Orleans, to relocate the boundaries of the zone, to exclude the water area, the wharf apron and marginal tracks, together with the lower sections of Wharfhouse Sections 5 and 6, and to include building l7 and adjacent upland in the zone area. Signed by Sinclair Weeks,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (l9 F.R.l350; March l0, l954) 

Order No. 37, May 2l, l954 
    Approving an application from the Board of Harbor Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, to relocate the southeast boundary of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 4, for the purpose of constructing a pilot station. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(l9 F.R. 3l04; May 28, l954) 

Order No. 38, February l6, l955 
    Delegation to Executive Director, Foreign-Trade Zones Operations, of authority regarding modification of uniform system of accounts, records, and reports for use by the foreign-trade zone operators to eliminate duplication of information separately required for customs purposes.Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (20 F.R. ll30; February 24, l955) 

Order No. 39, June 28, l955 
    Amending section 400.l30l of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act as to the organization of the Board. The Secretary, as Chairman of the Board, shall designate an Executive Director of Foreign-Trade Zones Operations. Also amending section 400.l307 of the act regarding the designation of an examiner when applications for zones are received; and section 400.l308 governing the appointment of an Examiners Committee. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (20 F.R. 477l; July 6, l955) 

Order No. 40, June 30, l955 
    Authorizing the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, as grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2, to extend the boundaries at the east end of the zone to include the area which constitutes the sand pit and Napoleon Avenue lumber yard. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (20 F.R. 4028; July 9, l955) 

Order No. 4l, December 8, l955 
    Revoking the grant issued to the Board of Harbor Commissioners, City of Los Angeles, Calif., grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 4. The grant to establish the zone was issued June 27, l949, and has remained in continuous operation since that date. Sufficient business did not develop to justify continued operation. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (20F.R. 9434; December l5, l955) 

Order No. 42, August l0, l956 
    Promulgating an amendment to the General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure of Section 400.l30l which pertains to the organization of the Board. Signed by Sinclair Weeks,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (2l F.R.6l59; August l7, l956) 

Order No. 43, December 20, l956 
    Approving an application from the Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the Port of San Francisco to change the location of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3 in the port from its present location on pier 45 to pier 46B and 46C. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (2l F.R. l0434; December 28, l956) 

Order No. 44, October 7, l957 
    Denying the application from the Board of State Harbor Commissioners for the Port of San Francisco to delete pier 46B from the zone area as approved in Order No. 43 as it is not in the public interest. Signed by Sinclair Weeks,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (22 F.R.809l; October ll, l957) 

Order No. 45, December 4, l957 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to expand the boundaries of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 to include the second floor of Wharfhouse Section 4. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board. (22 F.R. l0ll4; December l7, l957) 

Order No. 46, May 5, l958 
    Approving an application dated March l9, l958, from the San Francisco Port Authority, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No.3, to change the location of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3 from its present location at pier 45 to pier 46C, and the adjacent warehouse located at l28-l36 King Street for a period of not to exceed 3 years. This order supersedes orders Nos. 43 and 44. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (23 F.R. 3277; May l4,l958) 

Order No. 47, July ll, l958 
    Promulgating an amendment to the General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure of Sections 400.l307 and 400.l308 pertaining to Applications and Examiners Committee. Signed by Sinclair Weeks, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (23 F.R. 54l7; July l7, l958) 

Order No. 48, February 27, l959 
    Approving the application from the Port of Seattle Commission, Grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 5 to change the location of the zone from its present location on Pier No. 20 to Pier No. 29 (Stacy-Lander Street Terminal).Signed by Lewis L. Strauss, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (24 F.R. l686, March 6, l959) 

Order No. 49, June l4, l960 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to expand the boundaries of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 to include Runway #l within zone limits.Signed by Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board. (25 F.R. 5554; June l8, l960) 

Order No. 50, June 27, l960 
    Grant to Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 7 at Mayaguez, P.R. Signed by Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (25 F.R. 63ll; July 2, l960) 

Order No. 5l, October ll, l960 
    Grant to Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 8 at Toledo, Ohio. Signed by Frederick H. Mueller, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (25 F.R. 9909; October l5, l960) 

Order No. 52, March 3l, l96l 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to expand the boundaries of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2 to include Upper Wharf Section No. 3.Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (26 F.R. 300l; April 7, l96l) 

Order No. 53, February l4, l962 
    Approving the application from the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. to establish a subzone at Penuelas, P.R.Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (27 F.R. l584; February 20, l962) 

Order No. 54, February l4, l962 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to establish a subzone at New Orleans which is to be operated as a refrigeration facility.Signed by Luther H. Hodges. Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (27 F.R. l585; February 20, l962) 

Order No. 55, August 8, l962 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to delete a portion of the subzone area allowed in Order No. 54. Signed by Luther H. Hodges,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (27 F.R.8084; August l4, l962) 

Order No. 56, November 9, l962 
    Approving the application of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans for withdrawal from the zone boundary of Upper Wharf Section No. 3. Signed by Edward Gudeman, Acting Secretary of Commerce as Chairman of the Board. (27 F.R. ll357; November l7, l962) 

Order No. 57, January 3, l963 
    Approving the application of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to extend for one year the opening of Foreign-Trade Sub-Zone 2-A. Signed by Edward Gudeman,Acting Secretary of Commerce as Chairman of the Board.(28 F.R. 337; January ll, l963) 

Order No. 58, June 25, l963 
    Approving the application of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to withdraw from the zone boundary l2,000 square feet. Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board. (28 F.R. 68l6; July 2, l963) 

Order No. 59, June 27, l963 
    Approving the application from the San Francisco Port Authority to establish a subzone at San Francisco. Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (28 F.R. 693l; July 6, l963) 

Order No. 60, March 6, l964 
    Approving the application from the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to temporarily suspend and withdraw from zone use areas within the boundary of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 8.Signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Acting Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (29 F.R. 3444; March l7,l964) 

Order No. 6l, May 5, l964 
    Approving the application from the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company for authority to permit the erection and installation of certain additional manufacturing facilities within the subzone by Union Carbide Caribe, Inc. Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (29 F.R. 629l; May l3, l964) 

Order No. 62, May 22, l964 
    Approving the application from the San Francisco Port Authority to permit the withdrawal of all except 6ll.4 sq.ft. of the area of the first floor of the subzone building.Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (29 F.R. 6967; May 27, l964) 

Order No. 63, August l4, l964 
    Approving the application from the Port of Seattle Commission to permanently relocate the zone from its temporary location on Pier 29 to Pier 20. Signed by Luther H. Hodges, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board.(29 F.R. ll987; August 2l, l964) 

Order No. 64, December l5, l964 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to extend the boundary of the zone to include an extra 3.20 acres. Signed by Luther H. Hodges,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (29 F.R. l8l08; December l9, l964) 

Order No. 65, February l5, l965 
    Grant to State of Hawaii to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 9 at Honolulu. Signed by John T. Connor, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (30 F.R. 2377; February 20, l965) 

Order No. 66, May 5, l965 
    Approving the application from the San Francisco Port Authority to extend the time to permanently relocate Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3. Signed by John T. Connor,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (30 F.R.6569; May l3, l965) 

Order No. 67, October l3, l965 
    Approving the application from the State of Hawaii to expand the area to be occupied by Foreign-Trade Zone No. 9. Signed by John T. Connor, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (30 F.R. l34l5; October 2l, l965) 

Order No. 68, June 30, l966 
    Approving the application from the State of Hawaii to expand the area to be occupied by Foreign-Trade Zone No. Signed by John T. Connor, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. (3l F.R. 9323; July 7, l966) 

Order No. 69, September l2, l966 
    Grant to the Bay County Board of Supervisors of Bay County,Michigan to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l0 and Subzone l0A and l0B at Bangor Township, Bay County, Michigan.Signed by John T. Connor, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (3l F.R. l2070; September l5, l966). 

Order No. 70, October 6, l966 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to reduce the area to be occupied by Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2, to readjust the boundary accordingly, and to erect a building. Signed by John T. Connor, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (3lF.R. l3258; October l3, l966). 

Order No. 7l, January l0, l967 
    Approving the application from the Port of Seattle Commission to reduce and modify the boundary of the zone by withdrawing 5,l48 square feet of open space. Signed by John T. Connor, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (32 F.R. 588; January l8, l967). 

Order No. 72, March l6, l967 
    Grant to Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to establish a Foreign-Trade Subzone at Taft, St. Charles Parish, La. Signed by Alexander B. Trowbridge, Acting Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (32 F.R. 4587;March 28, l967). 

Order No. 73, May l9, l967 
    Approving the application from the City of New York to reduce the size of the upland zone area by l9,400 square feet and relocate the fence thereon. Signed by A. B. Trowbridge, Acting Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (32 F.R. 7726; May 26, l967). 

Order No. 74, September 22, l967 
    Promulgating amendments and additions to the General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure, of sections 400.l04,400.605, 400.608, 400.609, 400.l30l, 400.l303, 400.l308,400.l400, 400.l40l, 400.l402, 400.l403, 400.l404, 400.l405,and 400.l406. Signed by A. B. Trowbridge, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (32 F.R. l37l4; September 30, l967). 

Order No. 75, January 29, l968 
    Approving the application from the State of Hawaii to expand the Foreign-Trade Zone No. 9 at Honolulu, Hawaii by 23,060 square feet. Signed by Howard J. Samuels, Acting Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (33 F.R. 25l; February 3,l968). 

Order No. 76, June 28, l968 
    Approving the application from the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. to expand the Foreign-Trade Zone No. 7 at Mayaguez, P.R. by ll.33 acres. Signed by C. R. Smith,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (33 F.R. l0029;July l2, l968). 

Order No. 77, November 20, l968 
    Grant to New Jersey Foreign-Trade Zone, a private corporation to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. ll at Bayonne, N.J. Signed by C. R. Smith, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board (33 F.R. l7377; November 23, l968). 

Order No. 78, November l9, l968 
    Grant to the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to establish Foreign-Trade Subzone No. 2-B at the west bank of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, New Orleans,La. Signed by C. R. Smith, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (33 F.R. l7378; November 23, l968). 

Order No. 79, September 8, l969 
    Approving the application from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to adjust the boundaries and to add 45,927 square feet of space to Subzone No. 2-B, New Orleans.Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (34 F.R. l4349, September l2, l969). 

Order No. 80, September 29, l969 
    Changing the name of the grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No.3, San Francisco, from “San Francisco Port Authority,” a state body, to “San Francisco Port Commission,” a municipal body pursuant to a reorganization under California law.Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (34 F.R. l5506, October 4, l969). 

Order No. 8l, September 29, l969 
    Approving the application from the State of Hawaii to expand the boundary of Zone No. 9, Pier 39, Honolulu, adding ll3,525 sq. ft. of storage space to the existing authorized zone area. Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (34 F.R. l5506; October 4,l969). 

Order No. 82, April 20, l970 
    Grant to State of Hawaii to establish Foreign-Trade Subzone No. 9A at Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii. Signed by Maurice H. Stans,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (35 F.R. 6672;April 25, l970). 

Order No. 83, June l2, l970 
    Approving the application of Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. to authorize construction of a plant and related facilities within the authorized area of Zone No. 7,Mayaguez, P.R. Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (35 F.R. l0l20; June l9,l970). 

Order No. 84, October 23, l970 
    Grant to McAllen Trade Zone, Inc., a Texas corporation, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l2 at McAllen, Texas.Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (35 F.R. l6962; November 3, l970). 

Order No. 85, June 4, l97l 
    Approving the application of the State of Hawaii to alter the perimeter fencing of Foreign-Trade Subzone 9A in Honolulu, Hawaii. Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board. 

Order No. 86, December 9, 1971 
    Promulgating amendments and additions to the General Regulations Governing Foreign-Trade Zones in the United States, with Rules of Procedure, of sections 400.400,400.600, 400.60l, 400.603, 400.607, 400.700, 400.800,400.80l, 400.804, 400.l000, 400.l002, 400.l0l4, 400.l30l,400.l303, 400.1305, 400.200 and 400.l003. Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board(36 F.R. 24929; December 24, 1971). 

Order No. 87, December 23, 1971 
    Approving the petition of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans to voluntarily relinquish the grant to Foreign-Trade Subzone No. 2-B on the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, New Orleans. Signed by Maurice H. Stans, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (37 F.R. 240; January 7,1972). 

Order No. 88, March 2, 1972 
    Approving the petition of the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. to voluntarily relinquish the grant to Foreign-Trade Subzone No. 7-A in Puerto Rico. Signed by Peter G. Peterson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (37 F.R. 5l47; March l0, 1972). 

Order No. 89, September 26, 1972 
    Approving the application of the City of New York to temporarily relocate Foreign-Trade Zone No. l. Signed by Peter G. Peterson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (37 F.R. 20893; October 4, 1972). 

Order No. 90, October 4, 1972 
    Grant to the State of Arkansas to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l4 at Little Rock, Arkansas. Signed by Peter G.Peterson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board(37 F.R. 2l46l; October ll, 1972). 

Order No. 9l, November l6, 1972 
    Approving the application of the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Co. to expand by the addition of l2 contiguous acres, the existing authorized zone area of No. 7. Signed by Peter G. Peterson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (37 F.R. 24853, November 22, 1972). 

Order No. 92, January 22, 1973 
    Approving the application of the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority to contiguously expand the area of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 8, Toledo, Ohio, to include a warehouse building.Signed by Peter G. Peterson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (38 F.R. 30l5; January 3l, 1973). 

Order No. 93, March 23, 1973 
    Grant to the Greater Kansas City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.,to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l5 at Kansas City,Missouri. Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (38 F.R. 8622; April 4,1973). 

Order No. 94, June ll, 1973 
    Grant to the State of Michigan to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l6 at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (38 F.R. l567l; June l4, 1973). 

Order No. 95, September 6, 1973 
    Approving the application of the New Jersey Foreign-Trade Zone to voluntarily relinquish the grant for Foreign-Trade Zone No. ll at Bayonne, New Jersey. Signed by Frederick B.Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (38 F.R.25722; September l4, 1973). 

Order No. 96, November 27, 1973 
    Denying the application from the McAllen Trade Zone, Inc.,to establish a foreign-trade subzone at LaPorte, Texas.Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (38 F.R. 33665; December 6, 1973). 

Order No. 97, December 20, 1973 
    Grant to Greater Kansas City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l7 at Kansas City, Kansas.Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (39 F.R. 26; January 2, 1974). 

Order No. 98, May l7, 1974 
    Approving the application of the State of Hawaii to construct and operate a synthetic natural gas plant within Foreign-Trade Subzone No. 9A, Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii. Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (39 F.R. l8l69; May 23, 1974). 

Order No. 99, June 27, 1974 
    Approving the application of the City of New York to contiguously expand Foreign-Trade Zone No. l. Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (39 F.R. 2454l; July 3, 1974). 

Order No. l00, September 27, 1974 
    Approving the application of the State of Hawaii for authority to expand the area of Foreign-Trade Subzone 9A and to establish a subzone annex in the Honolulu Harbor area for terminal storage facilities. Signed by Frederick B. Dent,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (39 F.R. 357l8;October 3, 1974). 

Order No. l0l, October l0, 1974 
    Endorsing U.S. Customs Service’s method in charging for its services performed in zones as conforming with the Foreign-Trade Zones Act (l9 USC 8l) and the Board’s regulations (l5 CFR Part 400). Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (39 F.R. 37275; October l8,1974). 

Order No. l02, October 25, 1974 
    Grant to the Greater Kansas City Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc.,to establish Zone Site No. 3 under the grant for Zone No. l5, Kansas City, Mo., at a site adjacent to the Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City, Mo. Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of commerce, Chairman of the Board(39 F.R. 39487; November 7, 1974). 

Order No. l03, November 27, 1974 
    Grant to the City of San Jose, State of California, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l8 in San Jose, California.Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (39 F.R. 4203l; December 4, 1974). 

Order No. l04, January 24, 1975 
    Grant to the Dock Board of the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. l9 in Omaha,Nebraska. Signed by Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (40 F.R. 4496; January 30,1975). 

Order No. l05, April l5, 1975 
    Grant to the Virginia Port Authority, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 20 in Portsmouth, Virginia. Signed By Karl E. Bakke,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (40 F.R. l7884;April 23, 1975). 

Order No. l06, June l2, 1975 
    Grant to the South Carolina State Ports Authority, an agency of the State of South Carolina, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 2l in Dorchester County, South Carolina. Signed by Rogers C.B. Morton, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (40 F.R. 256l3; June l7, 1975). 

Order No. l07, August 8, 1975 
    Authorizing the U.S. Customs Service to employ the latest available Customs administrative procedures in carrying out its responsibilities in foreign-trade zones. This would include use of regulatory or external audit principles such as are currently being developed by Customs and new forms and records compatible with data processing systems. Signed by Rogers C.B. Morton, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (40 F.R. 34622; August l8, 1975). 

Order No. l08, October 29, 1975 
    Grant to the Chicago Regional Port District, a municipal corporation to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 22 in the Lake Calumet Harbor area, Chicago, Illinois. Signed by Rogers C.B. Morton, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (40 F.R. 5l242; November 4, 1975). 

Order No. l09, March l6, 1976 
    Grant to the South Carolina State Ports Authority to establish a temporary zone site at Foreign-Trade Zone No.2l, Summerville, South Carolina. Signed by Elliot Richardson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (4l F.R. l2372; March 25, 1976). 

Order No. ll0, March 3l, 1976 
    Grant to the County of Erie, State of New York, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 23 in Buffalo, New York. Signed by Elliot Richardson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (4l F.R. l4824; April 7, 1976). 

Order No. lll, August 25, 1976 
    Approving the application of the Port of Seattle Commission to relocate Foreign-Trade Zone No. 5 from its present site at Pier 20 to its new site at Terminal l06, 44 South Nevada Street, Seattle, Washington. Signed by Elliot Richardson,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (4l F.R. 36847;September l, 1976). 

Order No. ll2, October 2l, 1976 
    Grant to the Eastern Industrial Development Company of Northeastern Pennsylvania to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 24 in Pittston Township, Luzerne County, Pa. Signed by Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (4l F.R. 47288; October 28, 1976). 

Order No. ll3, December 27, 1976 
    Grant to the Port Everglades Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 25 in Port Everglades, Broward County, Fla.Signed by Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 6l; January 3, 1977). 

Order No. ll4, January l7, 1977 
    Approving the application of the Virginia Port Authority to relocate Foreign-Trade Zone No. 20 from its present site at the Portsmouth Marine Terminal to 2400 Wesley Street,Portsmouth, Va. Signed by Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 4l87; January 24, 1977). 

Order No. ll5, January l7, 1977 
    Grant to Georgia Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 26 in Shenandoah, Coweta County,Georgia. Signed by Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 4l86; January 24,1977). 

Order No. ll6, April 5, 1977 
    Grant to the Massachusetts Port Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 27 in Boston. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R.l890l; April ll, 1977). 

Order No. ll7, April 5, 1977 
    Grant to the City of New Bedford, Massachusetts to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 28 in New Bedford. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board(42 F.R. l890l; April ll, 1977). 

Order No. ll8, May 26, 1977 
    Grant to the Louisville and Jefferson County Riverport Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 29 in Jefferson County, Kentucky. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps,Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 29323;June 8, 1977). 

Order No. ll9, May 26, 1977 
    Grant to the Salt Lake City Corporation to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 30 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 29324; June 8, 1977). 

Order No. l20, July l9, 1977 
    Approving the application of the Port Everglades Authority to establish a temporary zone site for a period not to exceed three years in the City of Dania, Broward County,Florida. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 3894l; August l, 1977). 

Order No. l2l, July l3, 1977 
    Approving the application of the San Francisco Port Commission to relocate Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3 from it spresent two sites at King Street and Betry Street to a consolidated site at Piers l9 and 23, the Embarcadero, San Francisco. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 38942; August l,1977). 

Order No. l22, September 6, 1977 
    Grant to the Tri-City Regional Port District to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 3l at Granite City, Illinois. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 46568; September l6, 1977). 

Order No. l23, September 6, 1977 
    Grant to the Greater Miami Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 32 in Dade County, Florida.Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 46568; September l6, 1977). 

Order No. l24, November 9, 1977 
    Grant to the Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 33 in Allegheny County and Subzone 33A at the Volkswagen auto assembly plant in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 59398; November l7, 1977). 

Order No. l25, November 29, 1977 
    Grant to Niagara County, New York to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 34 in Niagara County, New York. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (42 F.R. 6l489; December 5, 1977). 

Order No. l26, February 28, 1978 
    Grant to Eastern Distribution Center, Inc., to establish Foreign-Trade Subzone No. 24A at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. l0422; March l3, 1978). 

Order No. l27, February 28, 1978 
    Approving the application for the Eastern Distribution Center Inc., to establish a temporary zone site in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pa. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. l0423; March l3, 1978). 

Order No. l28, March 24, 1978 
    Grant to the Philadelphia Port Corporation to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 35 at three sites on the Delaware River waterfront within the City of Philadelphia. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. l453l; April 6, 1978). 

Order No. l29, May 4, 1978 
    Grant to the City of Galveston, Texas to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 36 at two sites in Galveston, Texas. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 20525; May l2, 1978). 

Order No. l30, May 4, 1978 
    Grant to the County of Orange, New York, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 37 in the Town of New Windsor, Orange County, New York. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 20526; May l2,1978). 

Order No. l3l, May 4, 1978 
    Grant to South Carolina State Ports Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 38 in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 20526; May l2,1978). 

Order No. l32, August ll, 1978 
    Approving the application of the Port Everglades Authority to expand Foreign-Trade Zone No. 25, Broward County,Florida, by the addition of 5l.7 acres contiguous to its present zone area. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 36989; August 2l,1978). 

Order No. l33, August l7, 1978 
    Grant to the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport Board to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 39 at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport in Dallas County, Texas. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R.37478; August 23, 1978). 

Order No. l34, September 25, 1978 
    Approving the application of the City of New York to continue zone operations at Foreign-Trade Zone No. l,Brooklyn Navy Yard, for an indefinite period. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 45424; October 2, 1978). 

Order No. l35, September 29, 1978 
    Grant to the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 40 in Cleveland, Ohio.Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 46886; October ll, 1978). 

Order No. l36, September 29, 1978 
    Grant to the Foreign-Trade Zone of Greater Milwaukee, Inc.,to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 4l in Milwaukee,Wisconsin. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 46887; October ll,1978). 

Order No. l37, September 29, 1978 
    Grant to Greater Orlando Aviation Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 42 in Orlando, Florida. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 46887; October ll, 1978). 

Order No. l38, October l9, 1978 
    Grant to City of Battle Creek, Michigan, to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 43 in Battle Creek. Signed by Sidney Harmon, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 50233; October 27, 1978). 

Order No. l39, October l9, 1978 
    Grant to the Department of Labor and Industry of the State of New Jersey to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 44 in the Township of Mt. Olive, Morris County, New Jersey, and Subzone No. 44-A in the Township of Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey. Signed by Sidney Harmon, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 50234;October 27, 1978). 

Order No. l40, December l8, 1978 
    Grant to the Port of Portland to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 45 in Multnomah County, Oregon. Signed by C. L. Haslam, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. 60323; December 27, 1978). 

Order No. l4l, January l2, 1979 
    Grant to the Greater Cincinnati Foreign-Trade Zone, Inc., to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 46 in Butler County, Ohio, Subzone 46A in Hamilton County, Ohio, Subzone 46B in Union County, Ohio and Zone No. 47 (at two sites) in Campbell County, Kentucky. Signed by C. L. Haslam, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 4003;January l9, 1979). 

Order No. l42, March l2, 1979 
    Amending Foreign-Trade Zone Board Order No. 4 removing all restrictions on the importation, processing or private ownership of gold in foreign-trade zones. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board(44 F.R. l6942; March 20, 1979). 

Order No. l43, March 23, 1979 
    Approving the application of the Little Rock Port Authority to relocate Foreign-Trade Zone No. l4 to a nearby 28-acre site. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board (43 F.R. l9502; April 3, 1979). 

Order No. l44, March 23, 1979 
    Approving the application of the Massachusetts Port Authority to expand existing Zone No. 27 to nearby sites at Commonwealth Pier No. 5 and the Commonwealth Storage Yards,both located on the Boston Inner Harbor. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board(44 F.R. l9502; April 3, 1979). 

Order No. l45, March 28, 1979 
    Grant to the Papago-Tucson Foreign-Trade Zone Corp. to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 48 on the Papago Indian Reservation in Pima County. Signed by C. L. Haslam, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board(44 F.R. 20487; April 5, 1979). 

Order No. l46, April 6, 1979 
    Grant to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 49 at two sites, Newark and Elizabeth. Signed by C. L. Haslam, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 22502; April l6,1979). 

Order No. l47, September l4, 1979 
     Grant to the Port of Long Beach to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 50 in Long Beach, California. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 559l9; September 28, 1979). 

Order No. l48, November 2, 1979 
    Approving the application of the County of Erie, grantee of Foreign-Trade Zone No. 23, to include an additional zone site in the Town of Amherst, Erie County, New York. Signed by Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 65802; November l5, 1979). 

Order No. l49, November 27, 1979 
    Grant to the Seaway Port Authority of Duluth, Minnesota.Signed by L. H. Hodges, Acting Secretary of Commerce,Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 70508; December 7, 1979). 

Order No. l50, December l3, 1979 
    Grant to the County of Suffolk to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 52 in Islip, New York. Signed by L. H. Hodges,Acting Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 7638l; December 26, 1979). 

Order No. l5l, December 7, 1979 
    Grant to the City of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority to establish Foreign-Trade Zone No. 53 at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa, Oklahoma. Signed by C. R. Haslam, Acting for the Secretary of Commerce, Chairman of the Board (44 F.R. 76382;December 26, 1979).