European Retail eCommerce
European Region Retail eCommerce Forecast
Europe is the third biggest retail ecommerce market globally, with total revenues of US$631.9 billion. An annual growth rate of 9.31% for revenues will lead to a total of US$902.3 billion in European retail ecommerce sales by 2027.
eCommerce accounted for 9.3 percent of the United Kingdom’s gross domestic product. Of the Western and Central European countries included in the study, Denmark, Greece, and Sweden followed, with 7.3%. 5.9%, and 5.8% of their GDP, respectively.
European Region Retail eCommerce Snapshot
The leading markets for cross-border retail ecommerce within the European region are Luxembourg (80%), Ireland (68.6%), with Austria (49.7%) and Sweden (49.4%) competing for a top 3 ranking.
The ecommerce penetration rates are forecast to growth in all regions through 2029. From the selected regions, the ranking by penetration rate in the ecommerce market is forecast to be led by the United Kingdom (97.25%), followed by Germany (70%), France (62%) In contrast, the ranking is trailed by Italy (45.65%) with recording a difference of 51.6 percentage points to the United Kingdom.
European Region Retail eCommerce Consumer Snapshot
Per-head consumer consumption in France is half that of in the U.S., with the United Kingdom and Germany leading for consumer consumption within the European region.
The frequency with which European consumers shop online weekly varies, with the highest percentages of consumers that shop online weekly coming from Germany (45%), the Netherlands (37%), Italy (34%), France (32%).
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