International Market Research

Researching International Markets

Export Solutions

How to Research and Select Markets Confidently


International market research is a key piece of successful export planning. It is important to critically review and assess demand for your product, as well as factors related to a given export destination. The information will maximize your company’s efforts while keeping the export plan cost and time-efficient. Our resources can help you compare markets and target the right ones. 

Business owners conducting market research.

Research the Global Marketplace


When conducting market research, make sure your sources are reliable. Learn how to find market data, information, and analysis.

Business owners preparing for a trip at the airport.

Plan Market Entry


When selecting initial export markets, there are important criteria that affect if a market is right for you. After you decide there is potential demand, analyze the practical steps involved in exporting to see if the market is still worth pursuing.

A businessman reads about free trade agreements on his tablet device.

Introduction to Free Trade Agreements


Learn more about how to benefit from Free Trade Agreements.

A business owner classifies products in her inventory.

Industry and Product Classification


A product has a unique classification number used in international trade. Your product’s HS Code will unlock data about market potential and enable you to complete the export process.

Targeted Market Research Resources and Tools

Use our resources to plan your next exporting step. With years of experience and connections in markets around the world, you can rely on our objective reports and data.
Country Commercial Guides
Country Commercial Guides on market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and customs from U.S. Embassies worldwide.
Industry Research
Get timely updates on industry opportunities and market conditions from trade professionals at U.S. Embassies.
Market Intelligence
Find the latest market intelligence, trade events, and trade leads for your industry.
Free Trade Agreements
Learn about available Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
Trade Stats Express
Interactive tool using U.S. export statistics to find growth markets and trends for your industry.
Top Export Market Rankings
Understand the competitive landscape within a sector, including opportunities and challenges in key markets.
Foreign Trade Remedy Actions
Countries with antidumping, countervailing duty, or safeguard actions affecting U.S. exports.
Market Diversification Tool
Learn about potential new export markets using your current trade patterns.
Transperant background with a dark purple and multi color bar chart with orange magnifying glass and person icon next to it.
Initial Market Check

Our industry specialists overseas analyze your product/service’s potential in a targeted market through their connections with key industry participants.

Transparent background with golden badge icon with a white checkmark icon in the middle if the graphic.
Customized Market Research

Get customized market research to answer your international business questions.

Transparent Background with a orange and blur barn and a pink and gray tracker right beside
RAISE Research

The Rural Export Center provides customized market intelligence for rural U.S. companies to assist in market identification and expansion.

Continue Your Export Journey


Here are recommended next steps for you.

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