CS Detroit Local Partners
Our Export Partners
The DEC is a volunteer organization that encourages and supports exports of goods and services that strengthen individual companies, stimulate U.S. economic growth, and create jobs. The Council is made up of business leaders from the local community whose knowledge of and expertise in international business provides a source of professional advice for their region’s local firms: https://www.eastmichigandec.org/.
SBA is an independent agency of the federal government that helps to start, build, and grow businesses: www.sba.gov.
EX-IM is the official export credit agency of the U.S. They offer trade finance and credit solutions: www.exim.gov.
MEDC increases Michigan’s export opportunities by helping businesses identify and enter key international markets: https://www.michiganbusiness.org/export/.
SBDC provides no-cost business consulting, secondary market research, business education and technology commercialization to businesses across the state: www.sbdcmichigan.org.
TechTown is Detroit’s entrepreneurship hub. It empowers Detroit-based startups and local businesses by providing resources, collaborative workspace and education for entrepreneurs that will further accelerate inclusive economic development across Detroit: https://techtowndetroit.org/.
Automation Alley connects industry, academia and government to fuel Michigan’s economy and accelerate innovation: www.automationalley.com.
DEGC’s mission is to design and implement innovative solutions that attract investment, create jobs and advance Detroit’s economy for all residents: https://www.degc.org/about/.
The Detroit Regional Partnership is dedicated to expanding and revitalizing the region: https://www.detroitregionalpartnership.com/.