Thailand Education and Training Sector Snapshot
Last published date:

Capital:  Bangkok

Population:  69,648,117 (2022 est.)

GDP (Purchasing Power Parity):   1,343.29 billion (2021)

Currency:  Thai Baht

Language:  Thai (official)


UNESCO Student Mobility Number
Thailand has 32,066 students studying abroad according to UNESCO.

CIA World Factbook
29.47% of the Thailand’s population is under 25 years old.



While Thailand’s education system has seen improvement in terms of digital infrastructure and teaching methodologies during the pandemic, there is room for improvement in areas such as reducing the learning gap between students at elite and underprivileged schools, raising English proficiency of students and teachers, enhancing educator’s teaching skills, and creating high-quality educational materials consistently. 

Thailand has public, private, and international schools.  Government schools are free and compulsory for nine years.  Preschool is optional, although many Thai children attend kindergarten.  Compulsory education begins at the primary level for six years (Prathom 1-6), then moves to lower secondary school for three years (Matthayom 1-3).  After this, students can go to an upper secondary school (Matthayom 4-6).

As for university, most bachelor’s programs take 4 years to complete. Some programs take 5 years to complete (e.g., architecture, art, graphic art, and pharmacy). Medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine programs take 6 years of study.

Looking forward, the Thai market presents opportunities for international student exchanges, four-week summer programs, secondary education, and higher education, including undergraduate and postgraduate study.  However, for Thai parents to feel confident in sending their children abroad, it is strongly recommended that U.S. organizations find a local partner that can offer parents a sense of security and safety.



Higher Education

According to the 2021-2022 Open Doors report, prepared by the Institute of International Education (IIE), in 2022, the total number of Thai students increased by 47 students to 5,007 students, compared to 4,960 students the previous year.  By academic level, Thai students studying in the U.S. were comprised of 2,267 undergraduates, 1,772 post-graduates, 784 Optional Practical Training (OPT) students, and 184 short-term, non-degree program students (one-year exchange students and English as a Second Language (ESL) students). 

Many Thai students prefer to enroll in universities that offer ESL and intensive English language programs to improve their English proficiency.  It is common for students looking to enter undergraduate and graduate programs to choose a pathway program to ease the transition to a new social environment, learn more about the foreign culture, and immerse themselves in an English language environment with native speakers before enrolling in their intended study program.

Thai students seeking higher education and graduate degrees currently face significant obstacles since their high school grade point average (GPA) and standardized test scores often do not meet U.S. standards, limiting the number of Thai students admitted to universities in the United States.  U.S. schools and higher education representatives are recommended to work with partners in Thailand to promote their institutions and increase their accessibility.

Thailand’s higher education market is challenging due to the country’s rapidly aging population.  According to the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Thailand is one of the fastest-aging countries in the world.  The Thai population aged 60 and over is projected to increase from 13 percent in 2010 to 33 percent in 2040.  In addition, the World Bank reported that in 2020, Thailand’s birth rate dived below 60,000 for the first time and the total fertility rate decreased to 1.51.

As a result, three-quarters of Thai universities face a shortage in student enrollment and are at risk of downsizing or closing over the next decade.  In October 2021, the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission announced that about 70 private schools closed during the past nine months due to financial problems.

As the pandemic eases, numerous Thai students are studying overseas again. Foreign education organizations and the embassies in Thailand are actively promoting opportunities for Thai students to study abroad. These organizations may provide financial aid, a pathway program for international students, scholarship opportunities, and post-study work visas that allow students to remain in the country for two to three years after graduation.

Community College

Community colleges are still a niche market as students and Thai parents are not very familiar with the concept and still prefer that their children enroll directly in 4-year colleges or universities.  Community college representatives should consider marketing and promotion efforts with local study abroad consultants and partner universities to promote an alternative option for studying in the United States.

Secondary Education

Due to the growing demand for high-quality education and parents’ desire to prepare their children for the global market, many Thai parents enroll their children in international high schools with a broader international focus, STEM, robotics programs and even schools that provide third language options like mandarin.  It is widely accepted in Thailand that international schools provide students a greater chance to enter a top university with better career opportunities post-graduation.

International student exchanges and four-week summer programs are popular choices among Thai high school students.  The top destinations are the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United States.

Thai students seeking high school educational exchange programs present a growth opportunity for the U.S. education market.  Graduates from these schools are good candidates for further education in the U.S. because they generally have superior language capabilities and have been exposed to an international school environment, which typically offers broad cultural experiences, a variety of programs, and teaching styles that help drive demand for self-development.

Online Programs:  Many international high schools and some private educational institutions were able to shift students and lecturers to online distance learning during the pandemic.  However, some educational institutions still faced challenges, including teachers’ ability to support digital learning, students’ hesitation to commit large amounts of time to online courses, and families’ limited resources to support digital connectivity.  According to discussions with various study abroad agencies, online degree programs are not popular among Thai students since they prefer in-person study.  In addition, online distance learning cannot provide the same student life experience or improve English competency to the same degree as in-person programs.


The United States is always one of the top choices for Thai students to study abroad, among the other native English-speaking countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.  However, Thai students are increasingly studying in non-English speaking countries like China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and Singapore due to short travel distances, affordable tuition fees, and wide selection of programs.

According to Dr. Suphaset Kanakul, President of the Association of the Coordinating and Promotion of Private Education Commission, many high school students, both public and private, take the General Educational Development (GED) exam.  About 10% of high school students from private schools take the GED test and the rate is expected to increase steadily, feeding the pool of students eligible to study in the U.S. higher education system.

The most popular academic programs are:

•       Business Administration

•       Creative Arts & Design

•       Engineering

•       Computer Science & IT

•       Health and Medicine

•       Tourism and Hospitality

•       Law

•       Media and Communication



Thailand has around 54.50 million Internet users, an increase of 3.4 million (0.2%) between 2021 and 2022. The most used social media platforms in Thailand are Facebook, YouTube, Line, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Thailand has around 50.05 million Facebook users, 45 million Line users, 42.80 million YouTube users, 18.50 million Instagram users, and 11.45 million Twitter users.

Study abroad agencies have been using Line Messenger, Facebook, and YouTube to communicate with students; share upcoming seminars, workshops, study travel, and cultural programs; and communicate with students’ parents.  Educational organizers use Facebook as a channel to reach potential students and publish upcoming student fairs.  Thai students use many technology platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to post activities; Twitter and Line for messaging; and Google and Zoom for meetings.  Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter are the top four platforms used by Thai students, and Google remains the most common search tool.  TikTok and YouTube are popular for streaming and sharing video content among peers.

U.S. education institutions and study consortia may consider providing digital promotional materials and working with study abroad consultants, school counselors, and university faculty to share their information with potential student groups.  Topics of interest include scholarship opportunities, academic programs, co-op opportunities, and tuition fees.




Thanyathorn (Nan) Voravongsatit, Commercial Specialist

U.S. Commercial Service – Bangkok, Thailand


Phone: +662 205 5282