Scott Shaw
Scott Shaw is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for China and Mongolia at the U.S. Department of Commerce. In this role, Shaw oversees a team of more than 100 professionals in mainland China, Hong Kong and the United States. He advises Department of Commerce leadership on U.S.-China bilateral trade-policy and market access issues and helps shape the Department’s trade promotion agenda in support of U.S. workers and companies.
Prior to his role as Deputy Assistant Secretary, Shaw was the Minister-Counselor for Commercial Affairs in Brazil, leading Commerce in Brazil’s 5 offices and 48 commercial staff. He also served as Counselor for Commercial Affairs in Beijing, providing day-to-day management responsibilities for the Commerce Department’s largest overseas presence that included 150 staff in 6 Commerce offices in China. He also served as Chief Commercial Consul in Hong Kong, and was the Deputy Senior Commercial Officer in São Paulo, Brazil.
Shaw further served as Commercial Attaché in Thailand. He was also the Director of the U.S. Commercial Center in Shanghai, China, and began his foreign service career at the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China, where he received the Commerce Department’s Gold Medal Award, the highest award granted by the Secretary of Commerce for excellence in federal service. He began his career with the Commerce Department in positions in Washington, D.C., Chicago and Manila, Philippines. He is a graduate of Cornell University and a past participant of the Cornell Public Policy program in Washington, D.C. He speaks both Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese.