May Cheng
May Cheng was appointed as the Deputy Chief Information Officer at the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration in May 2021. In this position, Cheng leads a multitude of information technology service capabilities, including all aspects of capital investments and human resources, to optimize operations, secure data, drive digital transformation, and deliver value.
A certified Project Management Professional® and a Certified Business Resilience Manager, Cheng has more than two decades of business experience and IT expertise implementing solutions to business challenges in the private sector and public sector organizations. She started her federal career in 2003 and has held a variety of roles at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Cheng’s most noteworthy achievement involved her leadership in transforming the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs to a digital, virtually paperless work environment in only nine months, enabling the public to interact with the government anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Cheng received her Master of Science in computational and applied mathematics and Bachelor of Science (cum laude) in applied mathematics, with a minor in accounting, from Old Dominion University.