Heather Helm
Heather Helm is the Acting Assistant Secretary for Industry and Analysis and the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Industry and Analysis. In this position, she oversees a broad portfolio of programs aimed at strengthening the global competitiveness of U.S. industry. She manages more than 275 trade and industry experts who provide unique sectoral and analytical expertise that underpins U.S. government objectives on competitiveness, trade policy, and trade promotion.
Previously, Helm served as the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) for Services, where she directed the U.S. Department of Commerce’s efforts to create the policy conditions for U.S. digital, financial, supply chain and other services industries to compete around the world. She also previously served as Services Executive Director, where she worked with the DAS to provide strategic direction and communicate strategy, priorities, and the organization’s vision, mission, and goals to the Services organization. Prior to joining services, Heather was the Director for the Office of Central and Southeast Europe in ITA’s Global Markets division, where she led a team working to advance U.S. business interests and expand market access in the region. Heather started her career at ITA working on World Trade Organization issues in 2003 and has held several trade policy positions across ITA since then, including previous roles in Industry and Analysis.
Helm is the recipient of the 2021 Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award, 2020 Charles F. Meissner Memorial Award, 2019 Global Markets Director General Individual Award for Leading Change, and International Trade Administration Quarterly Star Award in 2022, 2016, and 2006.
Helm has a Bachelor of Arts in international studies, as well as a Master of Arts in international relations, from American University.