Blue bank symbol
Advocacy with Multilateral Development Banks
Multilateral Development Banks finance development projects worth billions of dollars throughout the world.

Advocacy Liaisons at Multilateral Development Banks

Doing Business with Multilateral Development Banks

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) are organizations comprised of donor and borrowing member countries that provide financing and advice for the purpose of economic advancement in developing countries. These Banks finance development projects worth billions of dollars throughout the world. 

Doing business with any of the MDBs depends on a company’s ability to do business in the country where the project will be implemented, and with the borrowing government that runs the procurement process. Knowledge of the local language, culture, business practices, legal system, and other local conditions is essential. 

How Advocacy MDB Liaisons Support U.S. Companies

The Advocacy Center has MDB Liaison Officers at each of the five MDBs to assist U.S. companies on how to work with these banks, advocate on procurement and contracting issues to ensure fair and equal treatment, and increase the proportion of MDB projects won by U.S. firms. Services include:

  • Counseling on how to approach the MDB and borrowing governments.
  • Meeting with MDB project managers to provide U.S. firms with updates on specific projects.
  • Identifying upcoming projects that present a good opportunity for U.S. firms.
  • Identifying funded projects with business opportunities for U.S. companies.
  • Informing U.S. firms of relevant Invitations to Bid (specific procurement notices).
  • Advocating that project bids from U.S. companies receive fair and equal consideration as foreign countries’ project bids.
  • Keeping U.S. firms informed of MDB-procured contracts, including policy studies and goods/services directly procured by the MDB.

Download the Doing Business with the Multilateral Development Banks Guide

Multilateral Development Banks: Locations and Liaison Contacts

World Bank | Washington, D.C., USA

Inter-American Development Bank | Washington, D.C., USA

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | London, United Kingdom

Asian Development Bank | Manila, Philippines

African Development Bank | Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire