Supply Chain Center

Supply Chain Center logo on white background with globe and icons around it

About, Mission & Vision

In 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce established a first-of-its-kind Supply Chain Center (SCC). We are building broad partnerships across government, industry, academia, labor, and civil society. Housed in the Industry and Analysis unit (I&A), the SCC is working to integrate industry expertise and data analytics to develop innovative supply chains. We are also collaborating with international partners on mutual supply chain priorities.

Supply Chain Center Leadership Team

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Deputy Assistant Secretary
Headshot of Doreen with U.S. flag.
Doreen Parekh
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary and Deputy Director
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Senior Advisor
Jamilah Gaston
Management and Program Analyst

Strategic Engagement Team

profile photo of a male silhouette
James Cramer
Profile image of Rachel Minogue
Rachel Minogue
Team Lead
Melissa Alvisi
International Trade Specialist
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Katherine Cedillos
International Trade Specialist, Detailee
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Casey Fitzpatrick
International Trade Specialist
Claire Pillsbury
International Trade Specialist

Supply Chain Risk Analytics Team

Profile image of Ahmad Kahlil
Ahmad Kahlil
profile photo of a male silhouette
Michael Schwab-Holler
Team Lead
profile photo of a male silhouette
Steven Jordan
International Trade Specialist
Galen Shen
International Trade Specialist
Aamer Uddin
International Trade Specialist

Supply Chain Security Team