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U.S. Commercial Service India
Our network of trade professionals represents unparalleled global reach. Located in U.S. Embassies and Consulates, we provide market intelligence and business connections. Every day, we advocate on behalf of U.S. firms for easier market entry.


Experts in our seven offices across India can help U.S. exporters identify potential business partners, obtain valuable market research on India, and launch your company into the fast-growing and dynamic Indian marketplace.

Are you an Indian company? We can help connect you with U.S. suppliers. Learn about our services for Indian companies.

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Succeed in India with the U.S. Commercial Service

Explore key resources and events that can help your international business in India.
Grow Your Business Through Exporting
Watch short videos for the best ways to expand to new markets.
U.S. Government Financing for International Buyers
Learn about U.S. government financing programs that can assist international buyers of U.S. products and services.
Business Service Providers
Find help for the different aspects of exporting.
Opportunities in South Asia
Consider the markets in Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka for regional success.

Featured Market Intelligence Articles

Market Intelligence
India Artificial Intelligence

India presents significant opportunities for U.S. companies looking to leverage AI technologies.

Software Asia Pacific Export Potential
Market Intelligence
India Advanced Manufacturing Sector

India is shifting towards a more automated, process driven manufacturing and offers several opportunities for U.S. companies.

Process Controls Asia Pacific Export Potential
Market Intelligence
India HVAC Sector

The HVAC sector in India is poised for significant growth, offering increased opportunities for U.S. companies in HVAC industry.

HVAC Equipment Asia Pacific Export Potential