Office of Materials Industries


The Office of Materials Industries (OMI) enhances global competitiveness and increases supply chain resilience for the U.S. building product and chemical industries. OMI’s industry analysis is instrumental in evaluating supply chain resilience, domestic and international regulatory policies, international market access challenges, and trade policy recommendations. A key to OMI’s analytical strength and practical applicability is our robust working relationship with industry trade associations and individual companies. Please contact us regarding any supply chain challenges and competitiveness issues you may have within the building product and chemical industries.

Office of Materials Industries Leadership Team

Profile image of Ellen Szymanski
Ellen Szymanski
OMI Director

Office of Materials Industries Team Members

Jason Davis
Jason Davis
Chemical Team
profile photo of Tracy Gerstle
Tracy Gerstle
Chemical Team
Profile photo of Brian Ledgerwood
Brian Ledgerwood
Team Lead, Building Products Team
profile photo of Joanne Littlefair
Joanne Littlefair
Building Products Team
profile photo of Alysha Taylor
Alysha Taylor
Acting Team Lead, Chemical Team
Profile photo of Katelynn Tiongson
Katelynn Tiongson
Building Products Team
profile photo of Marisel Trespalacios
Marisel Trespalacios
Chemical Team