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Services for Current Exporters - Promote & Expand
Increase your brand awareness and market exposure in countries around the world. Find and establish relationships with potential overseas business partners.

Services for Current Exporters

U.S. Commercial Services Logo

Customized Services: Through our customized services, trade experts can pre-qualify and identify the best prospects in your country of interest and arrange face-to-face meetings. 




Find an event or webinar to learn, connect, and find buyers.

Services for Exporters - Promote and Expand

Increase your brand awareness and market exposure in countries around the world. Find and establish relationships with potential overseas business partners.

Help Accessing Foreign Markets

The U.S. Commercial Service's Advocacy Center in Washington, DC and international offices in U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad help level the playing field.
Help Winning Foreign Government Procurements
The Advocacy Center helps level the playing field on behalf of U.S. exporters bidding on public-sector contracts.
Multilateral Development Banks
"Liaison Officers" at Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) help U.S. firms win tenders.
Commercial Diplomacy
International offices help U.S. firms overcome trade obstacles to successfully enter international markets.