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ITA Exporter Database
Unlock insights into U.S. merchandise exporters with ITA's Exporter Database. Discover annual data on exporter characteristics.

ITA U.S. Exporters Database

Explore the Comprehensive Data on U.S. Merchandise Exporters in ITA’s Exporter Database

Discover valuable insights into U.S. merchandise exporters through ITA’s Exporter Database (EDB). Access comprehensive annual data on export product characteristics, destinations, firm size, and geographical information.

The Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies is a collaborative effort between the International Trade Administration’s Office of Trade and Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau’s Economic Statistical Methods Division. It plays a pivotal role in ITA’s Trade Data Enhancement Initiative, aiming to provide enhanced statistical information on U.S. international trade and its impact on the national economy.

ITA's Exporter Database by Year

Select a year to view its data.

Office of Trade and Economic Analysis (OTEA) Resources

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TradeStats Express
Discover our interactive dashboards to present that present Annual and Year-to-Date national and state goods trade by partner and product.
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Country Reports
Industry & Analysis annually provides Country Reports which presents international trade and other macroeconomic statistics for 230+ trading partners.
Trade Data and Analysis Home
Trade Data & Analysis offers comprehensive data, insightful analysis, and strategic policy recommendations on trade and investment issues that impact the competitiveness of U.S. industries.
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ITA Metropolitan Export Series
ITA’s Metropolitan Export Series provides comprehensive data products on U.S. goods exports from over 380 Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
Male and female worker working together in warehouse
Jobs Supported by Exports
ITA's Jobs Supported by Exports estimates the number of jobs in the United States required to produce U.S. exports annually.
Business man hand's flipping through paper reports
OTEA Publications
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